I've finally been able to get in out of the sunshine and gorgeous weather to attempt to catch up on some of my favorite blogs- now if I can just get everyone linked from my sites, all will be great.
Even though I'm not updating here often, You can read my daily ramblings at the following three sites, all of which are owned and operated by, you guessed it- MOI`.
As I continue to develop the sites, there will be contests in the future, along with prizes for the winners.
I've pretty much decided for sure that Wednesday's With Wizzy will definitely be back, along with several other feature ideas that I've been thinking of.
More on those ideas as they develop.
In the meantime... if you'd like, book mark the following and stop in anytime:
Hope to see you soon :)
Make sure you link these on your right handed column once this post disappears. ;)
Sorry I haven't been a regular visitor!
*hug* Hope you and Marcel have been okay
You are now tagged. You must now blog at least 3 suggestions for saving money. It’s not because we all have LESS money than we did two years ago. We just all want to save money where it doesn’t hurt so we can SPEND more cash -- or donate it – on much more worthwhile projects and experiences.
Ideas can range from using half as much toothpaste and just see if your teeth don’t remain just as pearly white as before to saving cash by shopping for coffee on Amazon. We don’t care WHAT your three ideas for money-saving is all about (just that you share it).
Hi Wizzy :) I hope you keep following us all here too. :)
I'm going shopping for your oats tomorrow.
Hey D, it's all good girly. I've not been around that much myself since we got home from over there. I have been trying to find a balance, but I'm slowly but surely getting there :)
I'll add links :)
Hey Judy- I will do .. I like money saving ideas. I'll add them later today to my simplywizardress.com site.
Hey girlie.If you havent seen my vacation pics I have them all on my myspace.*hugs* miss you and hope your doing well.
Dutchess-- I've missed ya and those awesome weekly interviews you and Forest used to do! I haven't been around much as usual :-( hugz!!
Hooray for WWW. I missed that for a while.
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