Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Getting There

Sorry I haven't been around much lately, but I have been trying and testing things for this new adventure that I'm beginning. I can now officially say that all three places are up and running, but I still am in the tweaking stages, and still trying to decide if I like the layouts I'm currently using or If I'd like to switch to something else.

Eventually i'd love to learn to make my own layouts, but again- first things first.

In the next day or two I'll be adding everyones links, and hopefully (fingers crossed) I'll be much better about keeping up with what's happening in everyones lives.

The blogs are a trio, each with their own little purpose and cause- each of which representing a piece of me, that when put together comes closer to completing the puzzle that is me.

I'm excited, and I look forward to sharing it with y'all.


Fijufic said...

I'm looking forward to it as well...

unnamed lad said...

yay!!! me two!!!

Dorrie said...

I'm now getting VERY curious!

Before 10 said...

I'm looking forward to this new adventure too :)

Wizardress said...

Thanks y'all- I'm looking forward to sharing it- although I know three blogs will be much for some to keep up with, if they choose to.
